Import & Export
رؤيتنا التميز فى تقديم منتجات تثرى حياة المجتمع وتلبى المتطلبات الاساسية وتدعم مسيرة التنمية
وعندما يتعلق الامر بالاستيراد والتصدير ، لدينا نظرة مستقبلية طويلة الاجل ، حريصون على جودة الاداء ومتابعة النمو ونسير بخطا ثابتة ورؤية طموحة
نحن نخاطب التجار بلغتهم والمصنعين بلغتهم
Shipment safety
Speed of delivery
Ease of handling

A company specializing in the field of import and export in several fields and headquartered in Dubai, where we create a partnership with the customer, where we provide the best materials and are characterized by quality and at a lower cost, and they are delivered to the customer’s headquarters. We provide logistical services to the customer and print the customer’s logo name. They are provided by several famous factories and are imported from several countries. We seek to be the perfect choice for the client and we aspire to select the client so that we can focus on the client and put our full focus on the client. Let us be your first choice and we will amaze you with the result.
شركة متخصصة بمجال الاستيراد والتصدير في مجالات عدة ومقرها في دبي حيث نخلق شراكة مع العميل حيث نوفر افضل المواد ونتميز بالجودة وبتكلفة أقل ويتم توصيلها لمقر العميل ونقوم بتوفير الخدمات اللوجستية للعميل وطباعة اسم الشعار الخاص بالعميل،ويتم توفيرها من عدة مصانع مشهورة فيتم استيرادها من عدة دول ونسعى أن نكون الاختيار الأمثل للعميل ونطمح لانتقاء العميل بحيث نستطع ان نركزعلى العميل ونصب كامل تركيزنا مع العميل دعنا نكون اختيار الأول .

This service earns to make a technical inspection of goods in terms of conformity to specification, international and customs standards.
We also follow up with our client &step by step and the company provide a report which include all needed in formations.

Customs Clearance
Our team take care of customs clearance of shipment as soon as it arrives
Our customs clearance service is differentiated by the ease of use that is through opening an account for each client to facilitate the procedures’ of c.c
Our team is highly experienced of customs rules and terms.

International Shipping Services
Our company has an electronic system that connects it with the customs network, shipping lines, our agents abroad and our customers.

Import And Export
Offers an import and export services by provide our import and export card to clients in preparing of shipment is documents, communicate with suppliers and giving all needed information
File Sharing